International support in times of war: meeting K.Tex top management with the President of the EBRD

K.Tex top management, Andrii Ilchenko, Andriy Mykytiv and Igor Ostafiychuk met Odile Renaud-Basso, the President of EBRD during her visit to Ukraine. At the meeting with the EBRD President and Bank’s top management responsible for Ukraine, we have shared our impressions from several years working with the Bank within advisory projects financed by donors, and, also, – introduced our business, its history and future plans.

Naturally, one of the important topics was discussion about the times K.tex production facility in Irpin was in the center of intense military fighting, but was able to quickly restart operations and rebuild after Iprin was de-occupied. This became possible due to outstanding team unity and EBRD relocation support program. Despite dire financial situation and damaged infrastructure, we were able to recover as reliable supplier for our clients in apparel, furniture, construction and other segments. We emphasized the ability to take quick and correct business decisions in the current circumstances was one of the key survival factors for our Company.

Today our country is fighting for its existence, and small & medium enterprises (SMEs) must be one of the main factors for economy’s revival and growth. We pointed out that SMEs were in the need of the fast decision-making by the financial institutions, mechanisms to reduce cost of foreign capital, insurance/coverage of war-related risks and restoring project financing.

Finally, we were delighted to hear from the EBRD management sincere words of support and proposals to discuss potential areas for joint cooperation.

